User Interfaces Overview
Important UIs & what they are.
Last updated
Important UIs & what they are.
Last updated
The Trades feed displays all the trades that are submitted by traders. Each time a trader submits a trade it's displayed on this page in real-time or on a 15 minute delay for free users. Any time a trade is opened, averaged. trimmed/partially closed, or exited, the trade is refreshed to the top of this list. Each row shows the trader who made the trade and important information for that trade. It shows the ticker being traded with the direction (long/short) along with the options data (if any), the current status, and the price it was opened at and a profit/loss stat.
The row can be expanded which displays any notes about the trade the trader has provided. Users can give +Rep or drop comments directly from these trade rows.
This interface is used to submit trades and modify existing positions. It is used to open trades and the Active Positions tab is used to average, trim/partial close, or exit your open positions.
To learn how to use this interface, see Submit Trades (Stocks/Options, Crypto, Forex)
Did you know? You can auto share your submitted trades directly to Discord with the use of webhooks and fully customized messages and/or embeds? Check out Discord in Trade Sharing for more info. With X (previously Twitter) support soon.
Active Positions is used to update trades with averaging up/down, trimming, closing, or adding standalone notes to any open position.
All push notifications are enabled by default.
Notifications can be modified in your Account Settings within the Notifications section.. From here you can enabled/disable all or some events as well modify them for each trader you follow.
Trades have their own individual interfaces where additional data for that trade is displayed. Everything pertaining to a submitted trade will be shown on this UI such as every position update, TP/SL change, and notes or media uploads, including additional elements such as ticker data and our unique POV Charts that gives viewers a traders perspective of a chart when they were taking and updating positions.
To access these interface displays, click the trade info from trade rows that are listed on the Trades feed, trader Dashboards, or Ticker Info displays.
You can update positions and add or modify your TP/SL directly from this interface.
A unique feature, the POV Charts, offers a unique perspective of each trade event by precisely marking the respective candlesticks on the chart, granting viewers valuable insights into the trader's observations of trends and patterns at the time of each action.
Chart Timeframes depend on duration of trade: Less than 1 day = 1min timeframe 1-7 days = 15min 7-14 days = 1hr More than 14 days = 1day
The rankings interface are side by side leaderboards that lists the ranks of the top traders for any and all markets. We've formulated a scoring system that ranks traders based on their total number of closed trades, win rate, & average return. Traders need a minimum of seven (7) trades for ranking eligibility. Winning stock trades will have a multiplier soon as bigger gains are harder than options. This should help level the leaderboard for stocks vs options traders.
Win Rate values may differ from those on trader dashboards because, for rankings, we include open trades in the calculation. This ensures fairness by accounting for traders who leave losing trades open to avoid impacting their performance stats.
The ranking formula is subject to change as we stride to keep rankings fair for each type of trader and calculate scores that don't favor heavily of one stat over another.
Servers can access their own leaderboards which rank only traders within their community. These leaderboards display the ranks of every trader who is a signed up user on our platform and also meets the the seven (7) trade minimum quantity for eligibility, for timeframes above Past Day. Unlike the global leaderboard, all traders will be ranked & displayed regardless of win rate.
How to see server-only leaderboards?
A trader's Dashboard is like a mix between their social profile and portfolio, displaying their latest trades, trading performance stats, and some general info about the trader such as their join date, badges earned, reputation count, and their bio.
Stats are primarily based on all your closed trades, with the exception of a few. By default dashboards are a reflection of a traders activity and performance for the past 30 days, but time ranges can be filtered using the dropdown above the stats component.
Stats cannot be reset, ever. We plan to add a feature that will allow traders to reset their stats 1-2 times a year, but even then there will be a historical archive publicly available of stats prior to a reset.
You can only +Rep another trader once per day to prevent trading rep and abuse.
PRO/PRO+ icons on dashboards and avatars distinguish subscribed members, you can acquire these by upgrading your membership. Badges help traders distinguish themselves from the pack, representing top traders or those with a high win rate. Badges also represent which traders are official analysts or NVSTly staff.
Everything you think that can be set or configured will be found in Account Settings, if available. Set your dashboard info, link your social media accounts, manage your account & membership plan, modify notification preferences, etc.
For more info on how to setup and configure the many elements in your Account Settings, see (Settings docs coming soon)
You can download all your trade data with performance stats in a .csv or spreadsheet format using this feature.
Each stock and cryptocurrency ticker (futures & forex soon) has it's own interactive interface. You will find it's chart, statistical data, analytic graphs, news, latest trades, & more.
Ticker Info interfaces can be accessed by clicking on a ticker symbol you see anywhere throughout the app, or by using the search function on the top navbar.
Coming Soon: Here you can add tickers to your watchlists or set a variety of alerts.
Stay up to date: New features, changes, revisions, and changelogs are posted through our Blog in the Updates category. Here you can stay up to date with the latest app updates or learn what we're working on next.
+Rep is our community karma system and is short for Reputation. It's similar to giving likes or upvoting, and is a helpful stat to distinguish top traders, active users, and helpful community members- which is why it's displayed on all trader's dashboards. +Rep can be given for top trades, and soon for content posted or shared.