Tickers With Special Characters
Ticker symbols containing dots cannot be submitted with the dot. Removing the dot is required. Index tickers may contain an up arrow, or are known other than their actual symbol.
Stock Ticker Symbols
Stocks with more than one class of shares that contain a dot in their ticker symbol need to be submitted without the dot.
Below is a list of stock ticker symbols, if you see any are missing please report them to us at support@nvst.ly
The symbols in the left column are those the bot recognizes. When submitting a trade containing any of these symbols, simply just remove the dot or dash and the bot will recognize it.
Index Ticker Symbols
Some indices have options that can be traded, and typically use an up arrow in their ticker symbol- or sometimes are known as completely different than their actual ticker. For example, the S&P 500 is commonlly referred to as SPX, but the actual ticker is ^GSPC.
Below is a list of all index tickers, if you see any are missing please report them to support@nvst.ly
The tickers in the left column are those the bot recognizes. When submitting an options trade containing any of these symbols, be sure to use the alias ticker in the left column.
Last updated